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Sunday, July 4, 2010 . 5:08 PM

It has been days and nights I've never update my blog. But, who cares ? I'm often update my space instead. Lately, nothing much, except SHIT. Like my favorite saying, SHIT HAPPENS ! No doubt, is true. This world is soooo unique. Maybe is because of people. You see, there are so many type of people, smart, funny, kind, nice, stupid, rude, completely dumb...is so shocking knowing it. Why ?? Mainly is because one minute you some kind alect right in front of you, the next minute, you see a kidnapper ready to kidnap you. Lame, but is reality. Some people are just totally and utterly stupid...Argh....life is a really hard road. Why can't it be easier for goodness sake ??!! Life must kill you now matter what. Especially LOVE. Which now a days the society is facing love problem. Some people are just craving for love. Yes, love is very important in our life, without it, we'll be dead. Somehow or rather, I just don't understand why some people overdo it. Heaven !!! If you have eyeballs and a brain, you would have understand. Gees, people are just another word for weirdos. sigh...

Saturday, February 20, 2010 . 7:17 AM

It seems my blog has been dead for a very long period. So, I'll just left it dead again after this post. School life is great !(as if). Especially form 2..the teachers are so kind. They give us plenty of homework, and make us stress even during holidays..To be honest, I didn't really care about homework. Dude, is holiday for goodness sake ! Giving me homework during holidays is a never ever doing it ! So, my homework is pure white..how great. Is Sunday and tomorrow is a school day. Damn...extra homeworks again..pitiful. Nevertheless, meeting my enemies is another thing. Sometimes you'll get the feeling of punching them right on the face and saying ''GO DIE !''. Some people I met, they're so hypocrite. Seriously..they really have a major problem and never expect me to cope with it. If I'm a browbeater..they'll be dead by now..And there's this human, is like OMG ! A total brusque. C'mon, you learn moral..and yet showing me this kind of attitude ? What a terrible person...See, sometimes I hate school is because I meet this kind of people every single day..But sometimes, I like school because of some reason which I'm now very lazy to tell...I think that's enough of today..All I'm hoping now is to get good results for my exam ! :D

Monday, November 9, 2009 . 1:51 AM

I really, really, really hate people who thinks them self are so good in such things. You see, idiotics in my class does that. When they think they are so good at something, they will definitely look down on you..so don't forgive them man...any of my class freaks read this, just don't get mad OK ! But some people, and I did mention 'some', are really stupid..some of them don't even know simple english la..wat the crap are u giving me ?? If you htink you yourself so good in chinese..then I advise you to get lost from here..sometimes I see you guys face..I really nak muntah gila already..

Friday, October 9, 2009 . 12:20 AM

OK ! I can't believe what I've read today ! There's an idiot who is talking bad about my school ! How dare he ! He even said..' Ada ramai orang bodoh'. AS IF HE'S SO SMART LA ! He even commented about our prefect clothes ! so as the librarians. Wat is wrong with the guy la..he's making my blood boiling..Oh yea...HE'S GONNA BE IN BIG TROUBLE...BIG, BIG TROUBLE..

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Saturday, October 3, 2009 . 6:55 AM

I was sick today. SO SICK ! I've no idea what's up with the KL Library. I went there today, stuck in the jam, it was drizzling and when I reached the library, it was CLOSED ! What is wrong with the library. Of all the days ? In 365 days, y on Earth must they close on SATURDAY ! Are they mad ? But at last went to the National Library la..better then nth. So anyway, it was fun. We rented a room which is called as 'Bilik Karel' and I called it 'Bilik Karemel'. So, not tat expensive la is quite and u can study better in there. Well, that's all I mean, yeah, that's all. Soooooo, Bye Bye !

Thursday, September 24, 2009 . 2:21 AM

I realized something, when you first met a person, you will think he/she is very nice, kind, and bla bla. But, once you get to know the person, then you will know that he/she is so mean, evil, heartless, bla bla. This happens to everybody, including me. If this happens, then you will start backstabbing the idiot. Spread to the world about his/her negative stuff....but what about his/her positive stuff ??? You forgotten about it ? Or maybe you don't even care to tell. Well, I believe this is common...Is easy to tell other people bad things about that idiot, but is hard to tell good things to other people about that idiot. Anyway, I can't stand anymore with people who like to show off, status-concious, or maybe self-centred. Even people who likes to tell out their secrets that people don't even care about it. Unfortunetly, I'm stuck with that idiot in the same class !!! So unlucky leh, I was like thinking this question in my head till now. Why must you come to this school ? Why must you even be in the same class as me ? (out af all 8 classes ?) Why did I even met you at the first place ? Why must you be like this to every human being ? Gosh....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 . 1:42 AM

OK !!! Yesterday, went to IKEA with parents.(duh !). Bought a table lamp, is very nice and bright, I love it. But the cost was a bit expensive. Is hundred over ringgit, but is reasonable though..cuz is good ! Hehe...anyway, as you all noe, I changed the template. Well, I've no idea is nice or not, but to me is fine. So whether or not, I've no idea. You can comment in the Cbox if u want...Tata ~~